Monday, May 26, 2014

This week rained a lot. I liked the rain, but other people do not. This makes it hard for missionary work. We didn't have as many lessons as we had hoped for, and no one came with us to church.

We're working with Sis. Elisabeth's daughters. They both are interested in the Church and have had wonderful experiences. We gave a blessing the the younger who is 17 when she got very sick for a long time a few weeks ago, and immediately she was able to sleep and recovered quickly. Sis. Elisabeth is now having problems with her leg and has been going to the doctor.

We came across a 14-year-old member of 3 years who has already gone atheist. Her dad is infamously hostile against the missionaries and religion, and says that the Church is part of the "American Empire." Her sister is the President of the Relief Society who is amazing in her calling and is really deeply converted despite her husband and her father (and her son) who are all atheists. We had a nice conversation, and we got her to think about things differently. We hope it will go somewhere. We felt the Spirit touch here a handful of times.

Today we went to the temple. It was nice to go back there.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sis. Elisabeth´s dad passed away this week. His health became very rough at the end. She's taking it very well and is still active in Church and is looking for work.

This week we had interviews with President. They went well. We usually recieve instruction from the Assistants, and we explained to them the things that were happening in our area, and Elder Ferreiros said that our Zone Leaders had to go on exchanges with us. Usually when there are exchanges, people start to show up. Instead of going on exchanges with us, both of the Zone Leaders came to our area and we split up the area. We had 10 lessons and found 4 people. Things started picking up from there.

The Sacrament Meeting attendance is going up. Bishop Godoy is very happy. Things are looking much better. We'll probably have a lot more work this week. We have a number of things to do and instructions from the leaders in the ward. We took the sacrament to Hno. Gonzalez and Juanita who didn't come to Church because he got sick.

It rained a bit this week. I really like the rain. It's also getting colder. I really like the cold.

Monday, May 12, 2014

We had a conference with Elder Gonzalez, the Area President this week. Periodically he goes by all of the missions. It was a very instructive meeting. I went on exchanges to Vucetich with Elder Nureña, the District Leader. Their area seems to have a steady flow of people, and a good group of investigators.

Sis. Elisabeth's dad's liver failed, and the discharge has made it's way up to his head, making him go a bit crazy. The doctor said it would just be a matter of hours until his heart stops, and that was a few days ago. We'll be going by today to see how things are.

We got to Skype with our families yesterday in the evening. We went to the Gonzalez's house. We went to Tortugas today with the Elders from the Cabaña. I bought shoes for soccer, because it's pretty uncomfortable with the shoes that I had.

A few weeks ago it was announced that we'll be going to the Temple soon. It's not often that we get to go. It's getting colder here, and it's been raining off and on yesterday and today. I like this weather a whole lot more.

Monday. May 5, 2014

We finally have a Ward Mission Leader. The Bishop asked us to participate in his setting apart after the meetings. We'll be forming a Ward Mission Plan this week, something that the ward has been needing. Bro. Gonzalez is very excited to fulfill this calling, and we hope we can work harder. The Zone Leaders said that they felt very specifically that there are people in this ward who are ready, and we have felt the same as well, but we can't seem to find them. People don't seem to accept us in street contacting, and going through the less active list doesn't seem to be helping.

The father of Sis. Soria, a recent convert, got really sick two days ago and is in the hospital. He took a really bad turn. Within a day he developed pneumonia and his skin turned yellow.

I'm learning a lot of Guaraní and Bro. Gonzalez is giving me a dictionary. It's almost impossible to find here in Argentina and they're really expensive, but they're really cheap in Paraguay, and his sister will bring one of his from his house in Del Viso.

Sis. Vallejo and her kids left to Corrientes. Bro. Vallejo will still be here for a few weeks, but he'll be leaving soon as well.

Elder Peralta said very clearly to some members that being a member does not elevate us. We should not hesitate in sharing the Gospel.