On June 23, the World Wide Leadership Broadcast, the Brethren are calling
it a "Historic Event" which they never use. Chances are there will be
significant changes to the way missionaries and Wards and Stakes interact.
The Salt Lake City West Mission is very different. Some missionaries are
authorized to use a missionary Facebook account and do online proselyting and
networking in the area. A few have iPads and iPhones. They hope to roll out more
in both. The planners we have are different. See photo below. This mission
does many things different under the close watch of the Presidency and Quorum of
the Twelve and others. They want to try different things. One of the things they
do differently is put great emphasis on reactivation, just as much as other
proselyting. They saying that the leaders are using are "A Reactivation is just
as important as a Baptism" or variations.
There is a shift coming in the missionary program, and we are on the front
edge of it. The numbers in our stakes in the mission are great because of the
emphasis on reactivations. There is greater cohesion between the stake and the
missionaries and they want it even better, stronger and more streamlined.